Tuesday, May 25, 2004

That's funny yesterdays post shows up thru blogger but not if you view it by going direct to the blog via explorer

Monday, May 24, 2004

Check this out The universal life church will make you an ordained minister over the internet.
We could all get ordained and then bless each other before every climb.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Vegas Baby!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Chronicles of Riddick
Dood, so I saw the trailer on TV this evening. It looks so damned comic book-tastic. I smell another triple X in the making!

Knife goes in, guts come out, that’s what Osaka Fish Concern is all a-bout.

So I've been thinking of a road trip this 4th of july weekend. No, not Yosemite. I want to go to Brian Head Utah and do some Mtn Biking. Camping is free and the views are amazing. Anyone up for such a trip. The best thing about BH is that all the rides are shuttles. We drive up to about 11K and ride down for about 2000 or so. it's a ton of fun, there are trails for all types of riders. Plus there is also some climbing there incase people are tired they can clip some bolts.

Monday, May 10, 2004

This weekend

Yeah, I think Catie and I are down for BB this weekend. We may take the Mtn Bikes too and ride on Sunday. Nothing too hard as I am outta shape and Catie is just getting used to her new ride. Anyone else up for that?
So anyone climbing this weekend?
Someone at Barney and Christine's "we just got married" climbing shindig in J-Tree had a tre. Pretty sweet belay device but it was a bit bulkier than it looked on the web. I may get one.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

yeah, almost as interesting as this other blog I know..

Friday, May 07, 2004 :::

Whoops! Overslept this morning. I think that when I hit my snooze bar I also attempted to turn up the volume and inadvertantly turned the wrong way. Oh well, it's Friday.

::: posted by Dave at 8:50 AMComment

Tuesday, May 04, 2004 :::

Just 'nother day
I hear ya' Christine, I gotz nuttin' ta say either. Today I went to werk, I werked for 8 hours, I was really tired, but went to the base of Rubidoux anyway for a little bouldering only to find that I had left my shoes at home, Fizuk! I dunno, just feeling blah this week. Not in a bad way, just mundane/bored.

::: posted by Dave at 8:56 PMComment

Monday, May 03, 2004 :::

I got nothing to talk about... Davey is having a very boring day.

::: posted by Dave at 7:21 PMComment

Friday, May 07, 2004

This blog sux! Someone entertain me damnit!